
00001 /*
00002 Copyright 2005, Freie Universitaet Berlin. All rights reserved.
00004 These sources were developed at the Freie Universität Berlin, Computer
00005 Systems and Telematics group.
00007 Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
00008 modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are
00009 met:
00011 - Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright
00012 notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
00014 - Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright
00015 notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the
00016 documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution.
00018 - Neither the name of Freie Universitaet Berlin (FUB) nor the names of its
00019 contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from
00020 this software without specific prior written permission.
00022 This software is provided by FUB and the contributors on an "as is"
00023 basis, without any representations or warranties of any kind, express
00024 or implied including, but not limited to, representations or
00025 warranties of non-infringement, merchantability or fitness for a
00026 particular purpose. In no event shall FUB or contributors be liable
00027 for any direct, indirect, incidental, special, exemplary, or
00028 consequential damages (including, but not limited to, procurement of
00029 substitute goods or services; loss of use, data, or profits; or
00030 business interruption) however caused and on any theory of liability,
00031 whether in contract, strict liability, or tort (including negligence
00032 or otherwise) arising in any way out of the use of this software, even
00033 if advised of the possibility of such damage.
00035 This implementation was developed by the CST group at the FUB.
00037 For documentation and questions please use the web site
00038 http://scatterweb.mi.fu-berlin.de and the mailinglist
00039 scatterweb@lists.spline.inf.fu-berlin.de (subscription via the Website).
00040 Berlin, 2005
00041 */
00043 /**
00044  * Part of the source code from ScatterWeb 2.2 (ScatterWeb.{Data,System}.c)
00045  * released by Freie Universitaet Berlin has been reworked and
00046  * reformatted to fit the Contiki ESB port.
00047  */
00049 #include "contiki-conf.h"
00050 #include "dev/ds1629.h"
00051 #include <io.h>
00053 #define SDA_HIGH  (P5OUT |= 0x01) /* RTC data line high */
00054 #define SDA_LOW   (P5OUT &= 0xFE) /* RTC data line low */
00055 #define SCL_HIGH  (P5OUT |= 0x02) /* RTC clock line high */
00056 #define SCL_LOW   (P5OUT &= 0xFD) /* RTC clock line low */
00057 #define BUS_READ         0x9F
00058 #define BUS_WRITE        0x9E
00059 #define ACC_CSR          0xAC     /* Access Configuration/Control Register */
00060 #define ACC_CLOCK        0xC0     /* Access Clock Register */
00061 #define ACC_CLOCK_ALARM  0xC7     /* Access Clock Alarm Register */
00062 #define ACC_TH           0xA1     /* Access Thermostat Setpoint High */
00063 #define ACC_TL           0xA2     /* Access Thermostat Setpoint Low */
00064 #define ACC_CSRAM        0x17     /* Access Clock 32 byte SRAM */
00065 #define ACC_RT           0xAA     /* Access Read Temperatur Register */
00066 #define CSR_OS1         (0x80)
00067 #define CSR_OS0         (0x40)
00068 #define CSR_A1          (0x20)
00069 #define CSR_A0          (0x10)
00070 #define CSR_CNV         (0x04)
00071 #define CSR_POL         (0x02)
00072 #define CSR_1SH         (0x01)
00073 #define CSR_DEFAULT     (CSR_OS1 + CSR_OS0 + CSR_A1 + CSR_CNV + CSR_1SH + CSR_POL)
00075 /**
00076  *  Temperature type (built on a signed int). It's a signed (twos complement)
00077  *  fixed point value with 8 bits before comma and 7 bits after. So Bit 15 is
00078  *  sign, Bit14-7 is before comma and Bit 6-0 after comma.
00079  *
00080  * @since         2.0
00081  */
00082 typedef union { unsigned int u; signed int s; } temp_t;
00084 /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
00085 /* Puts the start condition on bus. */
00086 static void
00087 cl_start(void)
00088 {
00089   P5DIR |= 0x03; /* ensure: P50(SDA), P51(SCL) output */
00090   SCL_LOW;  _NOP(); _NOP();
00091   SDA_HIGH; _NOP(); _NOP();
00092   SCL_HIGH; _NOP(); _NOP();
00093   SDA_LOW;  _NOP(); _NOP();
00094   SCL_LOW;  _NOP(); _NOP();
00095 }
00096 /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
00097 /* Puts the stop condition on bus. */
00098 static void
00099 cl_stop()
00100 {
00101   SCL_LOW;  _NOP(); _NOP();
00102   SDA_LOW;  _NOP(); _NOP();
00103   SCL_HIGH; _NOP(); _NOP();
00104   SDA_HIGH; _NOP(); _NOP();
00105   SCL_LOW;  _NOP(); _NOP();
00106   P5DIR &= ~0x03;
00107 }
00108 /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
00109 /* Writes a byte on the bus, returns the acknowledge bit. */
00110 static u16_t
00111 cl_writeOnBus(u8_t byte)
00112 {
00113   u16_t i, ack;
00114   for(i=0;i<8;i++) {
00115     if(byte & 0x80) SDA_HIGH; else SDA_LOW;
00116     SCL_HIGH;
00117     byte = byte << 1; _NOP();
00118     SCL_LOW; _NOP();
00119   }
00120   /* check ack */
00121   P5DIR &= 0xFE;                              /* P50(SDA) input */
00122   SCL_HIGH;
00123   if(P5IN & 0x01) ack = 0; else ack = 1;      /* test if ack=0, else error */
00124   _NOP();
00125   SCL_LOW;
00126   P5DIR |= 0x01;                              /* P50(SDA) output */
00127   return ack;
00128 }
00129 /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
00130 static u8_t
00131 cl_readFromBus(u16_t ack)
00132 {
00133   u16_t i;
00134   u8_t byte = 0;
00135   P5DIR &= 0xFE;                              /* P50(SDA) input */
00136   for(i=0;i<8;i++) {
00137     byte = byte << 1;
00138     SCL_HIGH;
00139     if(P5IN & 0x01) byte |= 0x01; else byte &= 0xFE;
00140     SCL_LOW;
00141   }
00142   P5DIR |= 0x01;                              /* P50(SDA) output */
00143   if(ack) SDA_LOW; else SDA_HIGH;
00144   SCL_HIGH;
00145   SCL_LOW;
00146   return byte;
00147 }
00148 /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
00149 static u16_t
00150 getReg16bit(u8_t acc, u16_t bitmask)
00151 {
00152   u16_t config = 0;
00153   do cl_start();
00154   while(!cl_writeOnBus(BUS_WRITE));
00155   cl_writeOnBus(acc);
00156   cl_start();
00157   cl_writeOnBus(BUS_READ);
00158   config = cl_readFromBus(1);
00159   config = config << 8;
00160   config += cl_readFromBus(0);
00161   cl_stop();
00162   config &= bitmask;
00163   _NOP();
00164   _NOP();
00165   return config;
00166 }
00167 /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
00168 /* Only first 8 bit of Configuration Status Register can be set */
00169 static void
00170 setCSReg(u8_t setting)
00171 {
00172   do cl_start();
00173   while(!cl_writeOnBus(BUS_WRITE));
00174   cl_writeOnBus(ACC_CSR);
00175   cl_writeOnBus(setting);
00176   cl_stop();
00177   _NOP();
00178   _NOP();
00179   _NOP();
00180   _NOP();
00181 }
00182 /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
00183 static void
00184 System_startConversion(void)
00185 {
00186   do cl_start();                    /* do start until BUS_WRITE is acked */
00187   while(!cl_writeOnBus(BUS_WRITE)); /* control byte */
00188   cl_writeOnBus(0xEE);              /* start conversion */
00189   cl_stop();
00190 }
00191 /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
00192 /* RTC initialization. Initializes RTC with ::CSR_DEFAULT. */
00193 static void
00194 initClock(void)
00195 {
00196   u8_t csr = getReg16bit(ACC_CSR,0xFF00) >> 8;
00197   if(csr!=CSR_DEFAULT) setCSReg(CSR_DEFAULT); /* if desired config isnt in clock => set it */
00198   /* IMPORTANT: Ensure quartz is generating 32768 Hz */
00199   /* (sometimes CH bit gets set when clock is read while reset) */
00200   do cl_start();                    /* Do start until BUS_WRITE is acked. */
00201   while(!cl_writeOnBus(BUS_WRITE)); /* Send control byte */
00202   cl_writeOnBus(ACC_CLOCK);         /* Send command byte ::ACC_CLOCK. */
00203   cl_writeOnBus(0x00);              /* Send starting address 0x00. */
00204   cl_writeOnBus(0x00);              /* Set CH to 0, tseconds and seconds will also be reset! */
00205   cl_stop();                        /* Stop condition. */
00206 }
00207 /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
00208 void
00209 ds1629_init()
00210 {
00211   initClock();
00212 }
00213 /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
00214 void
00215 ds1629_start()
00216 {
00217   System_startConversion();
00218 }
00219 /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
00220 signed int
00221 ds1629_temperature()
00222 {
00223   temp_t temperature;
00225   ds1629_start();
00227   temperature.u = getReg16bit(ACC_RT,0xFFFF);
00228   return temperature.s;
00229 }

Generated on Mon Apr 11 14:23:43 2011 for Contiki 2.5 by  doxygen 1.6.1