usb Directory Reference


directory  rndis
directory  serial
directory  storage


file  compiler.h [code]

This file includes the correct compiler definitions for the different architectures.

file  conf_usb.h [code]

This file contains the possible external configuration of the USB.

file  config.h [code]

This file contains the system configuration definition.

file  pll_drv.h [code]

This file contains the low level macros and definition for the USB PLL.

file  usb_descriptors.c [code]

This file contains the usb parameters that uniquely identify the application through descriptor tables.

file  usb_descriptors.h [code]

This file contains the usb parameters that uniquely identify the application through descriptor tables.

file  usb_drv.c [code]

This file contains the USB driver routines.

file  usb_drv.h [code]

This file contains the USB driver routines.

file  usb_specific_request.c [code]

USB Protocol-Specific Requests.

file  usb_specific_request.h [code]

This file contains the user callback functions corresponding to the application.

file  usb_standard_request.c [code]

This file contains the USB endpoint 0 management routines corresponding to the standard enumeration process (refer to chapter 9 of the USB specification. This file calls routines of the usb_specific_request.c file for non-standard request management. The enumeration parameters (descriptor tables) are contained in the usb_descriptors.c file.

file  usb_standard_request.h [code]

This file contains the USB endpoint 0 management routines corresponding to the standard enumeration process (refer to chapter 9 of the USB specification. This file calls routines of the usb_specific_request.c file for non-standard request management. The enumeration parameters (descriptor tables) are contained in the usb_descriptors.c file.

file  usb_task.c [code]

This file manages the USB task either device/host or both.

file  usb_task.h [code]

This file manages the USB task either device/host or both.

Generated on Mon Apr 11 14:23:59 2011 for Contiki 2.5 by  doxygen 1.6.1